Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"Eat, Sister! Eat!"
Star-gazing with Daddy
While she wasn't too excited about putting her eye up against the strange contraption, she did have a really great time running around the yard pointing to the sky yelling, "Moon! Stars! Planets!"
"Baby Galileo" has always been one of her very favorite Baby Einstein DVDs. Who knows, maybe we have a little astronomer-in-training.
Our Little Chef
Potty-training Success!
She wanted to read her "Potty Time with Elmo" book while she waited. Eventually, she decided she just couldn't continue fully clothed, so off came her shirt, pants and even her socks. And just like that, we had success! Mommy and Daddy gave her a Sesame Street sticker - (she chose Zoe) - and lots of praise. We made the obligatory phone calls to the grandparents, who now want to know if she's done it again. So far, we've not had a repeat, but she's working on it.