Friday, January 16, 2009

Sesame Street Live!

Phillip and I took our oldest daughter, Isabella, to see Sesame Street Live! a few days ago. She is a HUGE fan of Elmo, so this was truly a thrill for her.

She was mesmerized - I don't think she blinked for two hours.

Isabella with Mommy and Daddy before the show

Standing on Daddy's lap to get a better look

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Start Out...

This is my very first experience with the world of blogging. I want to use it as a way to record some of the precious (as well as not-so-precious) moments I experience as the mommy of two little girls. I hope that other mommies will relate to my experiences and feel the urge to comment on my posts with their own stories. While the life of a stay-at-home mom may not seem overly exciting to some, I know there are many women out there who love being one and find so much joy (and only very occasional frustration) in the craziness that accompanies it. Please visit often and take comfort in knowing that there is at least one other mommy who hears the "Elmo's World" theme song in her sleep, wonders why the volume is loudest on the most annoying toys and gets tears in her eyes when her toddler yells "AMEN!" at the end of her dinner-time prayer.